The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism is a 2007 book by the Canadian author and social activist Naomi Klein. In the book, Klein argues that neoliberal free market policies (as advocated by the economist Milton Friedman) have risen to prominence in some developed countries because of a deliberate strategy of "shock therapy". This centers on the exploitation of national crises (disasters or upheavals) to establish controversial and questionable policies, while citizens are too distracted (emotionally and physically) to engage and develop an adequate response, and resist effectively. The book advances the idea that some man-made events, such as the Iraq War, were undertaken with the intention of pushing through such unpopular policies in their wake.
Part 1 begins with a chapter on psychiatric shock therapy and the covert experiments conducted by the psychiatrist Ewen Cameron in collusion with the Central Intelligence Agency. The second chapter introduces Milton Friedman and his Chicago school of economics, whom Klein describes as leading a laissez-faire capitalist movement committed to creating free markets that are even less regulated than those that existed before the Great Depression.
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Part 3 covers attempts to apply the shock doctrine without the need for extreme violence against sections of the population. Klein says that Margaret Thatcher applied mild shock "therapy" facilitated by the Falklands War, while free market reform in Bolivia was possible due to a combination of pre-existing economic crises and the charisma of Jeffrey Sachs.
Jonathan Chait wrote in The New Republic that Klein "pays shockingly (but, given her premises, unsurprisingly) little attention to right-wing ideas. She recognizes that neoconservatism sits at the heart of the Iraq war project, but she does not seem to know what neoconservatism is; and she makes no effort to find out."[24] Robert Cole from The Times said, "Klein derides the 'disaster capitalism complex' and the profits and privatisations that go with it but she does not supply a cogently argued critique of free market principles, and without this The Shock Doctrine descends into a muddle of stories that are often worrying, sometimes interesting, and occasionally bizarre."[25]
Intra-cardiac masses are not commonly seen on sonographic examination. But when present, in the appropriate clinical setting, they help establish the diagnosis of obstructive shock. The presence of intramural thrombus in right-sided cardiac chambers can confirm the clinical suspicion of pulmonary embolism and guide subsequent treatment [38]. Intracardiac thrombi appear as echogenic masses (Fig. 7) in the right atrium, right ventricle, pulmonary arteries, and IVC. The thrombi may be attached to the atrial or ventricular wall or be freely mobile [39]. LV thrombi resulting from causes such as atrial fibrillation, dilated left atrium (LA), and myocardial infarction may cause obstruction if large enough to occlude the left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) and mitral valve. Another intracardiac mass that can cause obstructive shock is the atrial myxoma. It is the commonest primary cardiac tumor and most commonly involves the left atrium (75 %) [40]. It is often attached to the atrial wall and protrudes between the atrium and ventricle causing obstruction throughout the cardiac cycle, like a pinball machine. Occasionally, metastatic tumors may also cause obstructive shock in a similar manner as atrial myxoma [41].
One of the major causes for obstructive shock is cardiac tamponade. The presence of pericardial effusion and hypotension raises the suspicion of cardiac tamponade. Large amounts of effusion would cause cardiac tamponade, but even small effusions, if accumulated rapidly, can cause cardiac tamponade due to the tough, non-distensible nature of the pericardial sac. Although cardiac tamponade is essentially a clinical diagnosis, FoCUS can help to confirm the presence of pericardial effusion, provide useful real-time hemodynamic information and tamponade physiology, and guide therapeutic pericardiocentesis. Sonographic features of cardiac tamponade include RA collapse, RV diastolic collapse, distended IVC, and respiratory variation of the mitral inflow velocity. The latter is essentially the sonographic version of pulsus paradoxicus. Pulsed wave Doppler is required to detect the variation so it is out of the scope of this SIMPLE approach (Table 2). RA collapse can be easily recognized when the RA inverts during ventricular end-diastole when the pressure inside the atrium becomes lowest (Fig. 14a). RV diastolic collapse is recognized as part of the RV free wall not expanding during early diastole (Fig. 14b). RA collapse is a more sensitive but non-specific sonographic sign of cardiac tamponade while diastolic RV collapse is considered to be more specific. Plethoric IVC without any variation during respiration is an additional sign to look for in cardiac tamponade. When the diagnosis of cardiac tamponade is established, FoCUS-guided pericardiocentesis can then be performed. Ultrasound-guided pericardiocentesis is now considered to be the standard of care because it carries higher successful rate and fewer complications than the blind approach [54, 55]. The apex was identified as the optimal location for pericardiocentesis in 1127 consecutive patients from the Mayo Clinic over 21 years [56].
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In this paper, thermoelastic problem of one-dimensional copper rod under thermal shock is simulated using molecular dynamics method by adopting embedded atom method potential. The rod is on axis x, the left outermost surface of which is traction free and the right outermost surface is fixed. Free boundary condition is imposed on the outermost surfaces in direction y and z. The left and right ends of the rod are subjected to hot and cold baths, respectively. Temperature, displacement and stress distributions are obtained along the rod at different moments, which are shown to be limited in the mobile region, indicating that the heat propagation speed is limited rather than infinite. This is consistent with the prediction given by generalized thermoelastic theory. From simulation results we find that the speed of heat conduction is the same as the speed of thermal stress wave. In the present paper, the simulations are conducted using the large-scale atomic/molecular massively parallel simulator and completed visualization software. 2ff7e9595c